Bring Your Window To Life

DIY:: How To Make A Planter Box

For many of us, work, children or our social lives consume most of our time, so maintaining any form of garden can often be at the bottom of the priority list. Planter boxes come in many shapes and sizes and can take the strain and time consumption out of gardening. A great space-saving and decorative idea is to install a window planter box which is particularly ideal if you live in an apartment or house without a backyard. With the addition of herbs and vegetables your home space can really benefit from an injection of life and vibrancy.

Purchasing decent planter boxes can be expensive though, that’s why the experts at WORX have come up with a quick and simple guide to building your very own window planter box:

1. The best way to determine the length of your planter box is to match the width of the box to the width of your window. Include the window frame in your measurements.
2. Cedar is a good choice for the wood as it allows you to construct the planter box out of water resistant material that doesn’t use harsh chemicals. This is important if you plan on putting edible plants in the box.
3. Rain and outside moisture will weaken traditional nails and screws so it’s a good idea to use galvanized screws to put the box together.
4. With a jig-saw, cut three pieces of cedar approximately 3mm thick to the length and width previously measured. These pieces will form the base, front and back of your planter box.
5. For the sides, cut two 20cm2 square pieces of 3mm cedar.
6. Assemble the planter box by fitting the pieces together in a rectangle shape, set with the help of wood glue and clamp until dry.
7. Drill holes into the four corners and along the bottom of the front panel – making sure to drill right through to the bottom and side boards.
8. Fasten the front, back and side boards together by inserting the galvanized screws into the holes.
9. Drilling a few small holes into the bottom of your planter box will ensure adequate drainage and allow for the plants to grow healthily.
10. To finish, apply a primer and paint the outside of the window box to match the colour of your house.

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Check out some great indoor planter box inspiration below.


Planter box

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